A lot of people who have piercings or tattoos say it’s addictive and that is why they’re always saving up for a new addition. I currently find myself doing exactly that. As soon as I have the cash I’m off to get some more metal punctured into me.
Yesterday I stopped myself and thought “Why?” I couldn’t actually answer myself. My current tally of piercings is enough. I don’t look scary but you can still notice them. Any more and people might start avoiding me in the street. Perhaps not in Grahamstown, but certainly back home.
So if I don’t think a new piercing will make me look more attractive why do I want one? Do I want to start scaring strangers off? Not particularly. It isn’t even a rebellion thing because I don’t live wit my parents so they don’t pose a restricting factor. I’m baffled as to my own motivation. All I know is that I’m strangely compelled to get a Monroe lip stud (upper lip). And very soon.
I was thinking of a centre labret but changed my mind. Also, an option is a tongue ring but I like food too much to not eat for three days and then only minimally for a further week.
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