Monday, October 20, 2008

CounSEling = cUre??

Many of us have issues. *Crosses out and keeps distinctively in line with blog theme* Many of us feel alienated at times which can cause psychological trauma. A sense of alienation is I think the root of many people’s issues. Whether it’s a childhood incident that causes us to inwardly question our worth in society or the onset of depression in the university environment because of social or work factors that put us in an uncomfortable position, many people do have a lot of psychological stress.

What I am skeptical about is counseling as a way of dealing with these issues. I know a person close to me who has serious mental troubles (eating disorders, compulsive lying, and depression). She has been to counseling. She has even gone to a psychiatric hospital. I’m not sure if the path to recovery is just very lengthy but I don’t believe counseling helped the situation at all.

My logic is that, in this situation anyway, she is so introspective. She can’t see how wonderful her life is. She spends all her time thinking about herself and what is wrong. She goes to counseling to talk about herself. The whole process is introspective. She won’t be fully able to appreciate anything if she doesn’t start taking anything else in.

I am not being insensitive because I have supported this person through and through. I have also had my own issues but the way I deal with them is to look outward. It makes my problems seem miniscule.

I would like to hear people’s thoughts on this matter.


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