Wednesday, October 22, 2008

JoURn 2 StreSs

I realise and accept that the Journ Department works the way it does for a reason. I know they can only accommodate a certain number of people in second year and that is why we have to apply and wait patiently to see if we are one of the 120 accepted. I realise this. I really do, but it doesn’t change the fact that people are freaking out right about this time of year because they’re in a position of uncertainty regarding their future.

I know people who have based their studies on journalism and turned their lives upside down to get to Rhodes. If they don’t get into Journ 2 they will be crushed. So what? They didn’t work hard enough, right? Wrong.

I have no idea how this selection process works but it seems slightly, er … strange. I have spoken to people whose vac work has been in order, whose marks were up to scratch and whose journalistic passion was intact and who are currently repeating Journ 1.

Granted these could very well be unreliable sources but where there is smoke there is fire?Perhaps not, but it still evades me when I hear about people getting 60s and 70s throughout the year and not making it.


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