Monday, October 20, 2008

BloGinG bLueS

At the beginning of this semester I was extremely excited and enthusiastic at the prospect of setting up a blog. I thought I would interact with the technology completely comfortably and start blogging on a daily basis. While the technology is not very difficult to grapple with my, initial enthusiasm has depleted. Completely. I look at the next assignment with a lethargic eye.

I suppose this happens with most things to most people. It’s still frustrating though: when the momentum fizzles. A simple psychological off-putting aspect and it’s history. I suppose I shouldn’t beat myself up about it because I do take five subjects so I am quite pressed for time but it doesn’t change the fact that I envisioned this blog to be otherwise.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t work hard and pile on an unnecessary amount of work. It always seems like a good idea at the start and people say: “It will stand you in good stead for the future [bla bla bla]”. In retrospect I am always happy with the extra I have done but sometimes I wish I could be happy and stress-free in the moment.

Wow, I sound emo. Mood: apathetic. But hey, I’m writing this blog about being de-motivated which is the first step to motivating myself again. It’s a pity the course ends in a week.


Cock said...

It's the asphyxiating subject matter, methinks.


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