Monday, October 20, 2008

MuGginG in ThE dRama DepaRtMEnt

Keeping with topic 'psychological trauma', it was one of my friends who got mugged inside the drama department recently. She was going to an exam rehearsal in the middle of the day. She was looking for a space to rehearse with someone from her group at the top floor of the department when one of two juvenile delinquents preceded to threaten them with a knife. The worst thing about this episode was not that my friend lost her phone, ipod and wallet. It was the fact that she was robbed while preparing for an exam inside an academic department.

We are supposed to feel comfortable when we rehearse. We certainly shouldn’t feel frightened of going to the drama department in the middle of the day!The situation was obviously traumatic for my friend. A visit to the drama department will be unsettling for her, to say the least, for a while to come. The fact that other departments have such intense security seems slightly, how do you say, not right eh? At the drama department there isn’t a chipping system and access is not difficult. The security guard outside can only do so much as he/she can’t differentiate between all students and non-students.

I am a tad perturbed at the prospect of spending much of my time in an environment where I don’t feel safe.


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